Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Diagnosis of a disease using Ayurvedic methods consists of following details. The two main pillars on which the diagnosis is based are: History of illness, and Examination of the patient.

History of Illness:

This refers to the following details:-

a) Details of the symptoms i.e. how, when where they occur, duration of medicines taken, relieving and aggravating factors etc.
b) Past history of similar illness, medicines taken, surgery undergone etc.
c) Personal history i.e. marriage, sexual life, family, occupational history, diet, sleep, bowel movements, smoking, alcohol intake, living conditions, financial status, social life and mental status .
d) Family history of similar symptoms/illness and treatment taken.

Examination of the Patient:

Examination of the patient is done in two steps. First is the general examination and second is the examination of the different systems of the body.

a) General Examination or Ashta Vidha Pariksha: This consists of the following parameters: Examination of the pulse (Naadi Pariksha), Tongue, Urine and stool examination, Speech, Examination by palpation and percussion, Gait (bodily movement), General appearance of the patient, and, Examination of the constitution (Prakriti).

b) Systemic Examination: This consists of examination of the following systems: Digestive system, Respiratory system, Heart and Circulatory system, Nervous system, Urinary system, Musculo-skeletal system, Reproductive system, Skin and Hair, and Eyes .

Let us know about some important Ayurvedic diagnostic methods:

Pulse Diagnosis - This also includes two sub topics aswell - modern way of pulse diagnosis and ayurvedic way of pulse diagnosis.

Beyond your cells, tissues, and organs, there is an abundance of activity you are not aware of! It forms complex patterns and is important to your existence and can be perceived through the sense of touch. It is your Naadi or the pulse!
If any Ayurvedic doctor, just by touching your wrist, reels off about your chronic pain or abnormalities in blood sugar and digestion or heart murmurs or kidney failure or peptic ulcer ... all without prior knowledge, do not attribute any extra-sensory perception or amazing occult power to him. It is just an interpretation of a profound theory, the naadi tatvam!

There are two ways of Pulse Diagnosis:
Modern view of Pulse Diagnosis.

Ayurvedic view of Pulse Diagnosis.

Also know about how to check your pulse?

Ayurvedic View for Pulse Diagnosis

Ayurveda has got something more than the above general information about pulse. According to Ayurveda, every cell in our body sends its own unique signal to the heart via different vital organs, and the blood stream. These praanic currents of energy are then compressed into rhythmic pulsation, which can be decoded to reveal what is going on in the liver or the kidneys, the left ventricle of the heart or the right fallopian tube. One electro-magnetic wave is all it takes to telecast an entire scene; likewise, our constitution has devised out how to convey the entire body's activities through the pulse.
The first Ayurvedic classic to describe pulse examination is Saarangadhara Samhita (13th century AD.). Later works such as Bhavaprakasa (15th century AD.), Yogaratnakara (16th century AD.), Basavarajeeyam (17th century AD.) etc. deal extensively with the subject.
The term naadi literally means "a tube or channel through which something flows". Pulse examination is the examination of the arterial pulses at certain points on the body. The early hours of the morning are the best times for pulse examination. It can be misleading or incorrect if done after the patient has taken food, exercise or bath, after taking intoxicants, having sex, sleep or when afflicted with hunger, thirst, anger, grief or worry. The pulse at the wrist on the right hand is selected for the men and on the left hand for the women. While examining the pulse, the patient is made to sit comfortably, relieved of his natural urges, and with faith in the examiner.

When an Ayurvedic physician touches your wrist, he probes deep into your general state of health, ill health and even the bad prognosis. As the strings of a veena bring out all the raagas, so does the naadi. Naadi spandana is caused by heartbeats and the consequent movement of rasa (comparable to plasma) and rakta (comparable to blood). Rasa dhaahl is the medium for the tridoshas to circulate all over the body, their signs being found in the naadi.
Proficiency in pulse diagnosis is gained by long practice, alertness and guidance from the preceptor. Though learning to detect disease from the pulse is a skill belonging to the physician, you can also become familiar with your own pulse and glean fascinating insights into doshas. Once you have worked with your doshas you can easily attribute them to pre-mentioned qualities, signs, symptoms etc. of corresponding doshas in the classical texts. From this data-base, you can gain true intimacy with your own doshas.

Body Constitution

After knowing your prakriti (body constitution) with the pulse examination, you can apply it in maintaining the health and couteracting the disease as it plays an important role in health planning. If we know our natural constitution according to vaata, pitta, and kapha, we can take care of our problems and defend against diseases. We can know what sort of diseases are possible in us in different seasons, and can know how to prevent them before they attack us. It is also possible to perceive about the prognosis of disease with respect to prakriti.

For example, vaata prakriti persons may suffer from vaata diseases (Eighty in number, mostly the diseases of nerves and bones) if they indulge more in a cold, dry, rough, bitter, pungent and astringent diet, over exercise, have irregular food habits, live in colder, drier climates. For seasonal consideration cold winter season, pre-rainy season and cloudy, dry windy climates, are not good for them. Illness may worsen if already present. Any type of sickness may be increased at vaata time, like evening times, late in the night, and the third hour after meals and in old age. If they follow proper diet, behaviour, and tastes to decrease vaata, they may prevent their natural tendency towards the possibility of vaata type diseases.

In case of pitta prakriti, if they tend to indulge in hot, sharp, pungent, sour, salty things, work with fiery, acidic substances, they may suffer from pitta diseases (Forty in number, mostly metabolic disorders) as pitta tends to aggravate from these causes. Hot climate, autumn, second hour after meals and midday (noon) and midnight are the specific times when pitta prakriti people's sickness may increase and medicines taken at this time may be more helpful for speedy recovery.

In the case of kapha prakriti, if they indulge more in unctuous, oily, heavy, dull, slimy food substances and eat sweet, sour, salty food, take more rest and live a comfortable life, with a lack of physical exercise, they may suffer from kapha diseases (Twenty in number, mostly diseases, concerned with structure), as these causes aggravate kapha. These people may fall sick in the spring, in cold and damp climates if they do not take proper care. Their sickness may increase in these climates and also at kapha time, like early morning. If proper medicine is given at this time, it may be more effective.

In this way, knowledge of naadi and prakriti are very useful and important to maintain health in an individual. One can take proper care, adjust diet properly and avoid the diet which is harmful; one can adopt daily and seasonal routines properly and attain perfect health.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The goal of Ayurvedic medicine is to prevent diseases before they occur. Studies have suggested that Ayurveda may be particularly effective at reducing the risk of heart disease. For example, a recent study found that this traditional Indian medicine helped reduce plaque and reverse the thickening of artery walls known as atherosclerosis in both healthy adults as well as adults at high risk for heart disease.

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