Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Herbs Have Side Effects

In the last few years, traditional systems of medicine are being looked upon with more acceptance in the Western world. Current estimates suggest that a large proportion of the population relies heavily on traditional practitioners and medicinal plants to meet primary health care needs. In our country, modem medicine enjoys immense acceptance, herbal medicines have maintained their popularity for historical and cultural reasons. Concurrently, many people in developed countries have begun to turn to alternative or complementary therapies, including medicinal herbs.

Unless diagnosis and the appropriate treatment is done with all the modalities of ayurvedic treatment-diet, deeds and drugs-it is very likely to backfire. Here we shall discuss a few medicinal plants from exhaustive list on ayurvedic materia medica with their side-effects:

Licorice Root

Prolonged use of it i.e. more than 50 grams per day may increase water accumulation causing swelling of the hands and feet, which is a warning sign that you are retaining too much sodium and excreting too much potassium. Under no circumstances should a person try to fast while using licorice root. Also, licorice should not be used in conditions such as low serum potassium; high blood pressure; cardiovascular disease, particularly illnesses involving abnormalities of heart rhythm; gall bladder disease; kidney disease; pheochromocytoma and other adrenal tumours; diseases that cause low serum potassium levels, such as primary and secondary aldosternoism and severe chronic alcohol abuse; diseases that may result from low potassium levels such as certain kinds of flaccid paralysis or limb disorders; fasting or anorexia/bulimia; untreated hypothyroidism.

Garlic Bulb

Consumption of large amounts of garlic may increase the risk of post-operative bleeding. Garlic bas also been reported to evoke occasional allergic reactions such as contact dermatitis and asthmatic attacks after inhalation of the powdered drug. Those sensitive to garlic may also have a reaction to onion. Ingestion of fresh garlic bulbs, extracts, or oil on an empty stomach, may occasionally cause heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Garlic odour from breath and skin may be perceptible.

Aloe Juice

Major symptoms of overdose are griping and severe diarrhoea with consequent loss of fluid and electrolytes. Aloe should not be used in patients with intestinal obstruction or stenosis, atony, severe dehydration with electrolyte depletion, or chronic constipation. Aloe should not be administered to patients with inflammatory intestinal diseases, such as appendicitis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, or diverticulitis, or to children less than 10 years of age. It should not be used during pregnancy or lactation except under medical supervision. The herb is also contraindicated in patients with cramps, colic, haemorrhoids, nephritis, or any undiagnosed abdominal symptoms such as pain, nausea or vomiting. As it contains laxatives, it should be used only if no effect can be obtained through a change of diet or use of bulk-forming products.


Isabgul products should always be taken with sufficient amounts of liquid, and at least half an hour after other medication or supplements such as calcium, vitamins, to prevent delayed absorption.

Rauwolfia (Sarpagandha)

Its products are contraindicated in patients with a history of mental depression, epilepsy, decreased renal function, and in patients receiving electroconvulcive therapy. As Rauwolfia preparations increase gastro-intestinal motility and secretion, they should be used cautiously in persons with a history of peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, or gallstones.

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